Engaging Simplifications: Community Based Resource Management, Market Processes and State Agendas in Upland Southeast Asia.

2002. World Development 30(2):265-283.


In the struggle to secure resource rights for rural populations who gain their livelihoods from state-claimed lands, advocacy agendas highlight community interest in, and capacity for, sustainable resource management. In the uplands of Southeast Asia, the strategic simplifications of CBNRM advocacy are being translated into legal frameworks and program initiatives which make rights conditional upon particular forms of social organization and livelihood, as well as conservation outcomes. When set in the context of agricultural intensification among both indigenous and migrant populations, and the desire of many upland dwellers to claim the benefits of a fuller citizenship, CBNRM offers a problematic basis for justice.

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Local Histories, Global Markets: Cocoa and Class in Upland Sulawesi.


Masyarakat Adat, Difference, and the Limits of Recognition in Indonesia’s Forest Zone.